Ever wondered why people swing their hands while they walk??

Yes, this article is about walking. We walk a lot every day, we see a lot of people walking, don’t we? So, have you ever noticed or pondered that why people swing their arms forwards and backwards while walking? Or do people keep their arms straight while they walk?( Just imagine that way, mmm it doesn’t seem right)

According to the scientific researches, it has been found that when the arms swing that way while walking, people use 12 per cent less metabolic energy than not moving the arms at all. It is found that swinging arms provide balance our body’s rotational motion. Also, while we walk, the pelvis(part of the skeleton that includes the hip bones and the other lower bones of the backbone) rotates sideways and this movement of our arms helps counterbalance this rotation, thus enabling us to walk straight. 

So yes, swinging arms helps in energy conservation and provides balance.

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